In today's marketing environment, developing creative assets that will drive potential high-quality leads and customers to your brand's various digital channels is the key to a successful digital marketing campaign.
From the initial awareness of your brand to making that final purchasing decision, guiding customers through their journey will be the key to your brand's success.
At the top end of the funnel, focus on providing super-creative assets that are designed to capture attention and drive people to your brand. These can be in the form of ads, partnerships, or other external marketing efforts.
For the middle of the funnel, prioritise crafting the strongest possible consideration-phase assets. Focus on creating organic digital content that underpins your business strategy here. Consider distributing high-quality videos and other engaging content across relevant channels like TikTok, Instagram, and any other platform where people actively search for information. Interactive tools like quizzes can also help potential customers identify their challenges, while downloads and online guides can provide value and encourage them to share their contact details.
As customers move to the bottom of the funnel, provide them with multiple options to engage with your brand. Avoid forcing them down a single path, like booking a demo or consultation, as not everyone will be ready for that step. Some might be ready to buy immediately, while others may want to explore their options. Offering flexibility and options will cater to their individual needs and decision making.
It’s important to remember that while businesses often think in terms of simple funnels, all customers experience a unique journey. By shifting your focus to the consumer’s perspective, your business will be better equipped to create marketing strategies that will resonate with them and deliver you results.